Monday, April 30, 2018

Provider Hosted App Development in SharePoint 2013

This is a guide for how to create and host your first provider-hosted app for SharePoint On Premise SharePoint 2013 environments.

Apps in SharePoint

Basically in SharePoint, the application can be hosted by 3 types.
a. SharePoint Hosted Application. -  Everything including the app files are stored within SharePoint. When an app is installed to a site from the app catalog, a sub- site (sub-web) is created that stores the files that make up the app. This is usually referred to as an appweb.
b. Auto Hosted Application.
c. Provider Hosted Application. - The app is hosted outside of SharePoint. For Example, a server hosting IIS can host the app contents in a site. This is referred to as a remoteweb.

This is an introduction to Provider Hosted (PH) Apps

There are two types of PH Apps. Apps that can be hosted in Office 365 environments and the PH Apps that can be only hosted in On-Premises environments which are also called as High-trust apps.
  • Create Developer Site - This site is used by a developer to deploy and debug his/her app 
  • Create local IIS
  • Create Certificate
  • Create and deploy Provider Hosted App

Step 1 :  Turn on\Create required services and service applications

You need to turn on the following services:
1.      App Management Service - This service application is responsible of tracking app licenses and app permissions …etc. This service application can be created from Central admin or via PowerShell.
2.      Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Subscription Settings service - This service is responsible of generating the apps url, it also maintains tenants subscriptions in a multitenant deployment. This service application cannot be created from Central Admin. You will need to use PowerShell commands to create it. Use the following command
# Gets the name of the managed account and sets it to the variable
  $account = Get-SPManagedAccount "<AccountName>"
 # Create an application pool for the Subscription Settings service application.
# Use a managed account as the security account for the application pool.
 $appPoolSubSvc = New-SPServiceApplicationPool   -Name SettingsServiceAppPool -Account $account
# Create the Subscription Settings service application, using the variable to associate it with the application pool that was created earlier. Store
  $appSubSvc = New-SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceApplication   –ApplicationPool $appPoolSubSvc –Name SettingsServiceApp  –DatabaseName <SettingsServiceDB>
# Create a proxy for the Subscription Settings service application.
 $proxySubSvc = New-SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceApplicationProxy  –ServiceApplication $appSubSvc

Step 2 : Configure DNS records along with SharePoint Web Applications

Since I’m talking about a development environment here, I’m going to assume that your dev box is hosted in your company’s domain or at your local virtual environment. So you will not need to purchase any domain names or anything

Step 3 : Configure required service applications

Now you are ready to configure your App Management settings for the farm.

·         Open Central Admin
·         Navigate to Apps from the left nav then click on App Management | Configure App URLs
·         Enter the App DNS you created in the previous step in the App domain field
·         Enter an App prefix, in my case I’m going to enter app
·         Click OK

Step 4 : Configure the App Catalog site for a web application

The App Catalog site is a special site collection. Because an App Catalog is scoped to a web application, all apps that you want to make available for a web application have to be in the App Catalog site collection for that web application.
When you create an App Catalog site, you get two libraries for apps:
·         Apps for SharePoint
·         Apps for Office

You create the App Catalog site collection from SharePoint Central Administration.
To create an App Catalog site collection for a web application
Verify that the user account that is performing this procedure is a member of the Farm administrators group.    In Central Administration, on the Apps page, in the App Management section, click Manage App Catalog.    If no App Catalog exists for the farm, the Web Application page opens, so you can select a web application.    On the Web Application page, select the web application for which you want to create a catalog.

·         In the App Catalog Site section, select Create a new app catalog site, and then click OK.
·         On the Create App Catalog page, in the Title box, type a title for the App Catalog site.
·          In the URL box, fill in the URL to use for the site.
·         In the Primary Site Collection Administrator section, in the User Name box, type the user who will manage the catalog.

Once the site has been created, a link to it is available on the Manage App Catalog page in Central Administration.
Create App Catalog Using Windows PowerShell
New-SPSite -Url http://sp:1001/sites/AppCatalog -OwnerAlias "serverName\sp_admin" -Name “App Catalog site" -Template "APPCATALOG#0"

This step is complete. Now your farm is ready to deploy new apps.

Step 5 : Create Local IIS and Certificate

We need to create a .pfx file and a corresponding .cer file. First file which is the pfx, contains the private key which will be used by the remote web application to encrypt it’s communication to SharePoint server. The .cer file contains the public key which will be used by SharePoint server to decrypt the messages and to verify those messages come from the same remote web application. Also to verify that the remote web application has an access token from a token issuer that SharePoint trusts which in this case the certificate.
1.      In IIS manager, select the ServerName node in the tree view on the left.
2.      Select the Server Certificates icon, as shown in the following figure.

3.      Select the Create Self-Signed Certificate link from the set of links on the right.
4.      Name the certificate HighTrustSampleCert, and then select OK.

5.      Right-click the certificate, and then select Export.
6.      In Windows, or at a command line, create a folder called C:\Certs.
7.      Back in IIS Manager, export the file to C:\Certs and give it a password. In this example, the password is password.
8.      If your test SharePoint installation is not on the same computer where Visual Studio is running, create a folder C:\Certs on the Visual Studio computer and move the HighTrustSampleCert.pfx file to it. This is the computer where the remote web application runs when you are debugging in Visual Studio.

Create the .cer file

1.      Go to IIS Manager and double click on Server Certificates.
2.      On the details tab, click Copy to file, where it opens the certificate export wizard. Click next and move forward with the default option, “No, Do not export the private key”.

3.      Click next with default options and Select Browse, browse to C:\Certs, name the certificate HighTrustSampleCert, and then select Save. The certificate is saved as a .cer file. Click Next and Finish.
4.      Now we are done with certification creation & exporting part. But we have to make sure STS application pool identity as well as SharePoint Web Application; application pool identity have read permission to the location of the .cer file.

Step 6 : Configure SharePoint 2013 Server to use the Certificate and trust the App hosted in Remote Server.

What I have explained below is suited for a dev environment and NOT for a Production nor a staging server.
In the SharePoint Server, open the SharePoint 2013 Management Shell with Run as Administrator. Execute the cmdlets below.

Create a certificate Object
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
$publickeyPath = “C:\REPLeders\ProviderHostedHighTrust.cer”
$certificate = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2($publickeyPath)
Ensure that SharePoint treats the certificate as a root authority

New-SPTrustedRootAuthority -Name "ProviderHostedHighTrust" -Certificate $certificate

PS C:\Windows\system32> New-SPTrustedRootAuthority -Name "ProviderHostedHighTrust" -Certificate $certificate

Certificate                 : [Subject]
                              [Serial Number]
                              [Not Before]
                                4/26/2018 7:00:22 PM
                              [Not After]
                                4/26/2019 5:30:00 AM
Name                        : ProviderHostedHighTrust
TypeName                    : Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPTrustedRootAuthority
DisplayName                 : ProviderHostedHighTrust
Id                          : f9f95dab-af3b-4bcd-8a33-1095e3e0168f
Status                      : Online
Parent                      : SPTrustedRootAuthorityManager
Version                     : 4284842
Properties                  : {}
Farm                        : SPFarm Name=SharePoint_Config
UpgradedPersistedProperties : {}

PS C:\Windows\system32> 

Get the ID of the authorization realm.
$realm = Get-SPAuthenticationRealm

To access data in SharePoint, my remote web application needs a access token, which is issued by a token issuer that SharePoint trusts.  As I’ve mentioned above the certificate is the token issuer.

Next step is a very important. If we look in to a production environment, each certificate is issued by a unique issuer which is represented by a GUID. A limitation of SharePoint, make sure any letters in GUID must be lower case.  But in my dev environment I’m using the same certificate for all Provider hosted high-trust app.

$specificIssuerId = "d250d0bc-d44e-4d8b-9e36-567817943628"
$fullIssuerIdentifier = $specificIssuerId + '@' + $realm

Now is the time to make the certificate a trusted token issuer.
New-SPTrustedSecurityTokenIssuer -Name "High Trust Demo Certificate" -Certificate $certificate -RegisteredIssuerName $fullIssuerIdentifier –IsTrustBroker
PS C:\Windows\system32> New-SPTrustedSecurityTokenIssuer -Name "High Trust Demo Certificate" -Certificate $certificate -RegisteredIssuerName $fullIssuerIdentifier –IsTrustBroker

IsSelfIssuer                  : False
NameId                        :
RegisteredIssuerName          : d250d0bc-d44e-4d8b-9e36-567817943628@7c479639-2314-4782-81ec-ce6079440e1e
IdentityClaimTypeInformation  : Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Claims.SPTrustedClaimTypeInformation
Description                   :
SigningCertificate            : [Subject]
                                [Serial Number]
                                [Not Before]
                                  4/26/2018 7:00:22 PM
                                [Not After]
                                  4/26/2019 5:30:00 AM
AdditionalSigningCertificates : {}
MetadataEndPoint              :
IsAutomaticallyUpdated        : False
Name                          : High Trust Demo Certificate
TypeName                      : Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Claims.SPTrustedSecurityTokenService
DisplayName                   : High Trust Demo Certificate
Id                            : bb70c159-58b3-41fa-89f1-fbdeae2eb31c
Status                        : Online
Parent                        : SPSecurityTokenServiceManager Name=SecurityTokenServiceManager
Version                       : 4284881
Properties                    : {}
Farm                          : SPFarm Name=SharePoint_Config
UpgradedPersistedProperties   : {}

PS C:\Windows\system32> 

In the above cmdlet I have used a friendly name which is not a common scenario in a production environment. The reason is, name parameter must be unique, so its better to add a GUID as part of the name.
Next do an iisreset command to register the token issuer immediately.

In a dev environment we have another issue to be solved. SharePoint does NOT accept self-signed certificates. So we need to turn off SharePoint's normal requirement that HTTPS be used when remote web applications call into SharePoint or else you will see a 403(forbidden) message. Turning off HTTPS is not recommended as form there onwards all traffic from the Remote Web Application to SharePoint wont be encrypted. But with a self-signed certificate that’s the only option for now.

Allowing OAuth over HTTP
$serviceConfig = Get-SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig
$serviceConfig.AllowOAuthOverHttp = $true

Step 7: Create and deploy Provider Hosted App

1.      Open the Visual Studio 2017 as Administrator  Click New Project - > Select the Template App for SharePoint 2013.

2.      Visual Studio will ask for the Site Collection against which we are going to deploy our app. And we need to choose the type of hosting which we are planning. In our case, it is going to be Provider Hosted Application.

3.      Click Next. The below screen will be asking the Certificate.
The Certificate needs to be created on the SharePoint machine and pfx file needs to be exported and shared with the Visual Studio Machine. We have a certificate created and an Issuer ID has been associated with the certificate. Values you provide here will be written to the Web.Config of the remote web application.
For the certificate location, browse and select the .pfx file you created in a previous step. Provide the password. And the issuer id is the GUID with lowercase letters. Mine is d250d0bc-d44e-4d8b-9e36-567817943628.

4.      Now, the Solution has been created and our solution will comprise of 2 projects.
 App Project – This is going to be deployed on the SharePoint.
 AppWeb Project – This is going to be the .Net Web Application. This application can be hosted on any IIS. Go to the Property of the AppWeb project and make sure that the Target Framework is set to 4.5.

Step 8 : Register the high-trust add-in

Before you can publish the add-in, it has to be registered with the SharePoint farm's add-in management service. High-trust SharePoint Add-ins are always registered on the SharePoint farm on which the add-in is to be installed. (They cannot be sold through the Office Store.) Registration is done on the page http://SharePoint_website/_layouts/15/appregnew.aspx

Step 9 : Modify the web.config file

Edit the web.config file so that it contains new values for the following keys in the appSettings node:
    ClientID: This is the web application's client ID (GUID) that was generated on appregnew.aspx.
    ClientSigningCertificateSerialNumber: (You will need to add this key, if the Microsoft Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio did not add it.) This is the serial number of the certificate. There should be no spaces or hyphens in the value.
    IssuerId: This is the GUID of token issuer (which must be lowercase). Its value depends on the certificate strategy of the customer:
·         If the high-trust SharePoint Add-in has its own certificate that it is not sharing with other SharePoint Add-ins, the IssuerId is the same as the ClientId.
·         If the SharePoint Add-in is sharing the same certificate that other SharePoint Add-ins are using, the IssuerId is an arbitrary GUID. The script for this scenario that you can find in High-trust configuration scripts for SharePoint generates a text file with this GUID in it. The IT staff can pass the outputted file to the add-in developer for insertion as the IssuerId in the web.config file.

Step 10 : Publish the App Web (remote Web)

Publishing the App Web builds a package that includes files and a script. These files are copied to the remote web server and deployed. First, in Visual Studio 2013 you’ll have two different projects created. One is for the app which produces an app file and that file is uploaded to the app catalog and made available to SharePoint Sites. The second project is for the remote web and is a simple web application. These steps apply to the remoteweb.
1. Right click the <ProvHostedAppWeb> and hit publish.
  2. Created a New Profile and set the connection like the following:
Note: In my case, I want all of my provided hosted apps living under the default web site as a virtual directory. So I specified the site name as “Default Web Site/<ProvHostedApp>
3. Click next and choose Release
4. Click Publish and Success!
Checking the directory I have the package

Copy this directory + output to the IIS Server hosting this remote web.

Step 11 :Publish the App

At this point, the remotewebapp project has been packaged and deployed to the remoteweb. The final step includes publishing the app, deploying to the desired SharePoint 2013 app catalog, and finally installing the app to a team site and test.

·         Within Visual Studio 2017, right click the <ProvHostedApp> and hit publish.
·         Click Edit and fill out the fields.
Note: The client ID is the App ID which came from the appregnew page. The Issuer ID is assigned to the associated SPTrustedSecurityTokenIssuer object. I assume you know what this ID is and please leverage Part 1 of the blog series for more details.
·         Hit OK and then click Package the App
Important: You must point at your site + virtual directory. In my case, the RussMaxSecProvHostedApp will be created under the Default Web Site.
·         Click Finish and it builds the app package automatically:
Note: It automatically opens windows explorer to the app.
·         Copy this file over to a server that can access the app catalog.

Step 12 : Add App to App Catalog

For an app to be consumed, it must be added to an app catalog.
1. Navigate to the app catalog and select Apps for SharePoint
2. Select New App and upload the .app file produced from the last set of steps
Install App to a site

1. Access a team site and selected site contents and clicked Add App.

Note: I see it here

Note: If it errors on this step and you’re logged in as the system account, try again using a non-system account.
3. After install, test by clicking on the app.


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