Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Nintex Forms with Cascading drop downs

In this example I demonstrate Service type store with SharePoint Lists. You’ll need to create four lists, two with lookup information for the cascading drop down.

Create the SharePoint Lists

Create two custom lists. These custom lists form the basis for the lookups, which the main list will look the cascading information up from.
1.            Navigate to a SharePoint Team Site.
2.            Click the Site Settings icon, and select Add an App. Select Custom List, and call it "Countries". Click Create.
3.            Open the newly created SharePoint list, and click new item. In the Title field, enter your required country names.

Create the Second SharePoint List - ProvinceDetails
1.            Click the Site Settings icon, and select Add an App. Select Custom List, and call it "ProvinceDetails". Click Create.
2.            Open the new list, click on the List tab and select List Settings.
3.            Click Create column from the available options.
4.            Fill in the following options:
a.            Type “CountryData” as the Column name.
b.            Select Lookup (information already on this site) in The type of information in this column is section.
c.             Select Yes for Require that this column contains information.
d.            Select Contries from the Get information from drop-down.
e.            Select Title from the In this column drop-down.
f.             Navigate to the list and click on new item.
g.            Type “Western” in Title.
h.            Select “Sri Lanka” from the CountryData drop-down and click Save.
i.              Likewise you can add required province information according to the Country.

Create the Second SharePoint List - DistrictDetails
1.            Click the Site Settings icon, and select Add an App. Select Custom List, and call it " DistrictDetails". Click Create.
2.            Open the new list, click on the List tab and select List Settings.
3.            Click Create column from the available options.
4.            Fill in the following options:
a.            Type “ProvinceData” as the Column name.
b.            Select Lookup (information already on this site) in The type of information in this column is section.
c.             Select Yes for Require that this column contains information.
d.            Select ProvinceDetails from the Get information from drop-down.
e.            Select Title from the In this column drop-down.
f.             Navigate to the list and click on new item.
g.            Type “Colombo” in Title.
h.            Select “Western” from the ProvinceData drop-down and click Save.
i.              Likewise you can add required district information according to the Province.

Create a custom list for Services and enter values as follows.

Customizing the SharePoint List Form using Nintex Forms

Now that we have created the three lists required for the cascading drop down, we need to create the Nintex Form to display this information on a SharePoint list.
1.       Create a new list and click Nintex Forms in the Ribbon.
2.       Select all of the controls on the form except the Nintex Forms label, the Save, and the Cancel buttons.
3.       Right-click and select Delete.
4.       Add two Label controls to the form and change their title to “Country Name”, “Province Name”, “District Name”, “Service Name” and “Service Type”.
5.       Add a List Lookup control from the SharePoint category of the Form Controls. Place the List Lookup control next to the Country label. Resize the control to reduce its default height. Double-click on the action to open the settings.

6.       Type “CountryText” as the Name of the control.

7.       Select Countries from the Source List drop-down, and click Save.
8.       Add another List Lookup control from the SharePoint category of the Form Controls. Place the List Lookup control next to the Province Name label. Resize the control to reduce its default height. Double-click on the action to open the settings.
9.       Type “ProvinceText” as the Name of the control.
10.   Select ProvinceDetails from the Source List drop-down.
11.   Expand the Filtering section:a.Select By a controls value from the Filter available selections drop-down.
12.   Type “CountryData” in the Where field box.
13.   Select CountryText from the Filtered by control drop-down. Click Save.

14.   Do the same for District Name controls by filtering data from “DistrictDetails” List with “ProvinceData” coulumn.
15.   Add a List Lookup control from the SharePoint category of the Form Controls for Service Name and bind data from Services List.
16.   Add a calculate field to get key field by combining Service and District

Preview the Form

1. In the Ribbon, click on Preview. Select Generate Preview, and test out the cascading dropdown.
2. When the configuration of the form is complete, Save and Publish.

You can add custom java script function to “Client Click” property in save button to prompt message box:
window.alert("Your Custom Alert");return true;

If we add a duplicate record it will indicate using the calculated field key.

Create Read Form

Add a new List for Service From and add two labels, one text box and list lookup control to read value from our main form.
Configure list lookup with Main list and get Service Type to drop down list.